The biting mountain breeze blew away the clouds of vapor.
The smoke seemed to have dissipated, thank God, and the mountain breeze was sweet as sugar.
Cooled by mountain breezes, temperatures can drop at night to between 55 and 65 degrees.
I was gone all of yesterday, out walking in the sunshine and feeling the mountain breezes.
It was still too early in the evening to open any windows to catch the cool mountain breezes.
Carlyle said that he found in them "a healthy breath as of mountain breezes."
Combined with mountain breezes, this makes summers refreshing and cool.
Once again he walked to the cathedral window across the room and felt the cool mountain breezes on his face.
She leaned back against the pressure, and a cool mountain breeze played with her long blonde tresses.
"I don't know how to do this," she told the dawn and the mountain breeze.