She spoke the same mountain dialect as the other women, but she spoke it slowly, as if the language was unfamiliar to her.
The old woman spoke a few soothing words but they were in the strange mountain dialect and Cholayna did not understand them.
"Margali will tell thee, Grandmother," said Camilla in the mountain dialect.
She said, "You do not speak the mountain dialect of these women.
She spoke the mountain dialect this time, though she spoke it slowly.
The dabke is best sung in Lebanese mountain dialects.
She lisped the name in the soft mountain dialect.
"It means 'butterfly' in a very old mountain dialect," he chuckled.
Caradoc made some remark in the thick mountain dialect about the blizzard season being the right time to stay indoors and enjoy the company of one's wife.
If I ever come across anyone who can speak Hungarian, I'll say they speak an obscure mountain dialect.