Shale from the mountain district was used extensively in the region to make tools during the Japanese Paleolithic.
Most of the competing teams that year came from schools in mountain districts.
This is an attractive forested mountain district centred on the city of Bolu, which has a long history.
You certainly ought to tell 'em about evacuating high mountain districts even though there aren't any high enough to matter in Britain.
A kilometer in diameter, the floating garden flew high over the mountain district of Co- ruscant.
The term was applied by the Byzantines to fortified mountain districts controlling important passes.
Another refers to a limited area (unknown) in Arabia, the mountain district of Martu.
Within Bergslagen they were called mountain districts (bergslag), and in the rest of the province hundreds.
Additional battalions were sent to reinforce the troops who deployed on Wednesday in five mountain districts, taking control from armed groups.
In recent decades there has been increased migration from surrounding mountain districts as well as other parts of the country.