A bajada consists of a series of coalescing alluvial fans along a mountain front.
An intermediate zone or degradation zone which is the pediment beyond the mountain front.
A great roar went up from the warriors at the mountain front.
Fans are typically found where a canyon draining from mountainous terrain emerges out onto a flatter plain, and especially along fault-bounded mountain fronts.
Nevertheless, before dawn, the 2d and 5th Companies climbed into trucks and traveled southwest through Lupeny toward the threatened mountain front.
It's from the mountain front, sir.
As the valley drops, it slides down and away from the mountains, and the mountain front is essentially the fault scarp.
About a third of that motion is taken up right here along this mountain front.
In fact, it's what's forming this mountain front.
From the edge of the city upward, sixteen miles of mountain front have burned to the ridgeline in a single day.