Fans of "mountain music" come from around the United States to hear this annual concentrated gathering of talent.
It was the stuff of old blues and mountain music, which face tragedy through resilient humor.
Her voice has never been pushy; it takes up the stoic clarity of mountain music, adding a girlish sweetness.
Some refer to this event as the equivalent of a "Woodstock" for mountain music.
It is sometimes referred to as "old-timey" or "mountain music" by long-time practitioners.
It is as true to life as the high, sweet sounds of mountain music in a gathering dusk.
But mountain music in southwestern Virginia is everywhere and nowhere.
A kind of a country-combination of mountain music from the Appalachians.
It was mountain music, and stronger than wine upon the senses of the men and women of the clans.
Bluegrass gospel music is rooted in American mountain music.