Andrew Garrett commented on the habitat of this land snail, saying it was, "a common species found on the ground in a mountain ravine".
The ancient Georgians believed that each place - mountain, hill, ravine - had a "mother" which they called the "place-mother".
The police car went around a curve, swaying wide above the yawning abyss of the mountain ravine in the fading twilight.
Zhonabad is the name of the area that is located at the high-altitude mountain ravines.
Here it is normally found in coastal bush and mountain ravines.
Men found his fierce proclamations nailed in every mountain village; his sentinels, gun in hand, in every mountain ravine.
Anna unfettered her mind and let it wander over the now-green ski slopes of Hesperus and the fresh new-leaved poplar trees skirting the mountain ravines.
Out the window she gazed at a river that flowed from a mountain ravine.
Russian troops and the militants were also engaged in fierce skirmishes in the Argun gorge, the mountain ravine that connects the Chechen lowlands with Georgia.
No, the old man answered, standing in his bare home deep in a mountain ravine, he had never seen an airplane.