Grassy plains and both open and mountainous deserts, gregarious where it is common.
This may be for the same reason that Sotat does not enforce its sovereignty over Chammur, since it's located in a distant, mountainous desert.
The eastern desert, rocky and mountainous, closes in aggressively upon the river with high bluffs restricting the fields to a tenuous strip.
Wood was so scarce in the mountainous desert of Tibet that burning a corpse was a reserved for people of stature.
They were climbing again as they crossed the mineral works at the southern end of the sea, and faced the blasted and mountainous deserts of the south.
Magadan Oblast consists principally of mountainous desert, tundra, and taiga.
The message they dreaded did not come till we had left the savannah for the mountainous desert bounding it on the south.
The Desert Bighorn Sheep is the official state animal and is found in most of Nevada's mountainous desert.
The characters live, for the most part, in caves, in what appears to be a barren, mountainous desert by an unidentified sea.
Standing out in the open, Jamie realized once more how much Mars reminded him of the rocky, mountainous desert of northwestern New Mexico.