He identified the bark of a questing fox, the mournful call of night birds.
She raised the wooden summoner to her lips and sent a long, mournful call wavering through the trees.
Toff stood slowly and from a long distance behind them they heard the mournful call of a wolf.
Zedd could hear a few bugs buzzing about and, in the distance, the mournful call of a coyote.
All was quiet, save for the endless, mournful call of the gusting, stinging wind.
The ruoru bird began its mournful call again as the last light died from the sky.
A whip-poor-will began an endless refrain nearby and the mournful call of a coyote joined in the chorus.
Its mournful call floated across the night.
Somewhere in the distance, a dove made its mournful call.
Except for a whip-poor-will's mournful call, everything was peaceful and quiet.