And they pursued their road in mournful silence.
After a moment's mournful silence, his heart overflowed, and he gave way to a flood of tears.
Though they sat around the bedside in heavy, mournful silence for some time, Leieth did not stir any more.
After they had sat in mournful silence for a while, Binabik spoke again.
The mood was now that of quiet determination and mournful silence.
Meanwhile, his attendants stood round in mournful silence, gazing on me and at each other.
They must have been standing there in a sort of momentary mournful silence, just preceding leavetaking.
In the corridor he took her hand, and they walked together in mournful silence toward their quarters.
Across the concrete pier, a crowd estimated by the Navy to exceed 10,000 people listened in respectful, mournful silence.
Then came a mournful silence, punctured only by chirping birds and barking dogs in the distance.