The transgenic mouse lines also provide a source for future studies on early developmental stages of the immune system.
It lined up behind a 747 bound for Tokyo the way a mouse lines up behind an elephant.
A second group of researchers generated another neural specific knockout mouse line.
This mouse line has been used to study the role of S100A9 and S100A8 in a number of experimental inflammatory conditions.
A mutant mouse line, called tasmanian devil (Grxcr1) was generated.
A spontaneous mutant mouse line, called Myo7a was generated.
Keeping a mouse line around can cost a small fortune, and require constant attention from technicians.
Three independent mouse lines carrying inactivating Pten mutations have been made [ 23, 24, 25].
A conditional knockout mouse line, called Cadm1 was generated.
A knockout mouse line, called Dlg4 was generated.