The computer station went blank and Spock's mouth compressed in annoyance.
Fadil Chouma, his mouth compressed in a tight line, would not say to whom.
Blaise noticed that despite heavy makeup, the lady's lips were thin and the mouth, compressed into a smile, was grim.
Adrienne had a sharp face: all planes and sudden angles, her scarlet mouth currently compressed into a flat angry line.
He darkhaired, with snapping black eyes, a prominent nose, and a mouth compressed to a tight line.
Taen tugged the mare's bridle, her mouth compressed with affront.
His mouth, grimly compressed in anticipation, opened in surprise.
Marc Jardin stood with one foot inside the office, his dark eyes narrowed at the portrait, his mouth compressed in a tight line of displeasure.
And what Imaning was thav 11 Fraser's wide mouth compressed to a thin line.
He weighed her up for a moment, his wide mouth compressed and then asked: 'D'ye think Isobel would come to a ball with me?