The changes involve moving the altar forward into the church and replacing the pews with movable chairs.
The Nave has no pews, utilizing individual, movable chairs, complete with kneelers.
And we put in 2,000 movable chairs.
In addition to the benches, there will be 80 movable chairs and 20 tables.
There was a movable chair all his own, a wastebasket, and--yes!
The movable chairs are crucial, he said.
First, they insisted on placing movable chairs in the park.
Whyte had long believed that movable chairs give people a sense of empowerment, allowing them to sit wherever and in whatever orientation they desire.
In the permit, city planners specifically mentioned "public seating" and "movable chairs."
The shaded space includes a large sculpture, seating along low walls and more than 100 movable chairs for brown-baggers on summer weekdays.