In 1982, after 13 years above the liquor store, the Studio Museum moved into new quarters at 144 West 125th Street.
In 1929 it moved into a new 26-floor headquarters building at 400 West Madison Street.
He moved chairs out into the courtyard between the front door at 21 West 52d Street and the iron gate.
He shared space in the Garment District for a while before moving last year to his own studio at 347 West 36th Street.
The Society's growth continued, and in 1899 the organization moved to the current home at 20 West 44th Street.
In 1991, the museum moved into a tower at 25 West 52nd Street.
The couple moved into one of Stokes's new developments at 262 West 72nd Street.
He immediately moved to a nearby barbershop, at 349 West 44th Street.
They moved to a rooftop apartment at 35 West 81st Street, where Browning built an expansive garden.
By May 1972 she had moved to a studio apartment at 253 West 72nd Street.