Whyte first entered business in a plant hire company, after which he moved into security, manufacturing and property, before becoming a venture capitalist.
He subsequently moved into a midfield position, before becoming a centre forward during his time in the Burnley youth team.
Having finished collecting stamps, he moves onto botany, before finally becoming a Birdwatcher.
The family were initially tanners, who moved into lime-burning and tin smelting before becoming bankers.
He then moved back to Shrewsbury for three more seasons, before becoming coach there.
The system then moved towards the south and moved through the Cook Islands before becoming extratropical.
In 1997 the trio moved to Olympia, Washington for a year before becoming bored with that city and moving to Seattle.
Better yet, try explaining to athletes who live at altitude that they must move to sea level before becoming eligible for competition.
Although he moved to Bridgeport before becoming famous, he returned in 1881 to deliver a long-winded speech and an 18-foot-high fountain.
By July 4, the system moved southeast of Newfoundland before becoming extratropical.