Cattle drives - moving cattle 100 or so miles - occur only twice a year.
These days, ranchers typically move cattle via truck and trailer.
In March 1874, Studholme's men had moved cattle and sheep onto the land.
It is not to be used to strike a horse, but rather was a tool used to assist in moving cattle.
The cause of dispute was complex but seems to have involved the right to move cattle across community lands.
Later vaqueros used it move cattle between the coast and the big valley.
This guide gives you information about what to do after you have moved cattle on to your holding.
The site, a tunnel for moving cattle between the railroad and the nearby stockyards of the 19th century, was built in 1857.
His parents worked as drovers, moving cattle along stock routes.
In March, 1879 he moved cattle from Texas to Wyoming (1,500 miles).