The radical anti-inflation move disrupted the lives of all Brazilians who had more than $1,500 in a bank deposit at the time.
The Chinese government said recently that it would move slowly in revaluing, fearing that too sharp a move could disrupt its economy.
However, while the move to one year conscript service will disrupt dedovshchina, it is unlikely that bullying will disappear altogether without significant societal change.
Today, the investment banking business has become so highly regimented and market oriented that a move to Washington disrupts rather than enhances a career.
Even if the city helps the clinic relocate, a move would disrupt its operations and relationships with at least some clients.
The move did not disrupt ongoing traffic on the Kwinana Freeway.
But lawyers for Princeton/Newport have argued that the judge's move has seriously disrupted business by undermining the confidence of clients in the firm.
But action on the requirement was delayed when it was suggested that such a move would disrupt the classroom.
This move disrupted the Chaco tribes so much that they unleashed a two-year war against the colony, thus threatening its existence.
The move to 18 months from one year for long-term treatment, Wall Street lobbyists said, disrupted any number of investments.