Two cycles are 'disjoint' if they move different elements.
It moves elements from the stories to a then-contemporary urban setting.
Iraq, he wrote, has a well-honed ability to move and hide elements of its weapons programs.
He moved elements of one story into another.
Moving elements should move in a pattern and direction compatible with the user's mental model of how it actually moves in the system.
Viewers can move in and out of the three different media elements to assemble the complete story.
Eventually, they are to be replaced with the animated displays and moving mechanical elements that the industry calls spectaculars.
The department's executioners say they can save nearly $8 billion over five years by dismantling it soon, killing some parts and moving other elements elsewhere.
It is not possible to move elements of the landscape around like pieces on a chessboard without affecting environmental processes, however.
Not all the backdrops are static; some contain moving elements that integrate with the performance.