The brothers bought 200 acres of forest and meadow in Sturbridge and began to move old buildings from the region to this land.
The historic community of Hickory Withe was settled in 1834 by families who moved from the region around Prosperity, South Carolina.
They are closely related to the Saterland Frisians, who come from East Frisia and moved from the coastal region to the interior.
Much of the Bulgarian population moved from the region due to organized robberies and internecine wars in the empire.
Woodland's main rival is Rome High School since they are the only ones that also moved up from the previous region.
Then he moved the group from the region he had designated "here" to the region designated "there."
The villagers had moved there from the region around Argyroupoli (present Gümüşhane) in 1878 after the Russo-Turkish war.
Many people moved there from the Brazilian south-central region.
On the slower diffusive time scale (10 s), the molecules move from the locally heated region to the outer cold regions.
How would the tunnel affect the contracts between steamships, railroads and trucking companies now moving freight to and from the region?