Tapinza idly moved his hat from one hand to the other.
Akaar said as he idly moved his food around his plate with a fork.
To the eyes that watched this clock, a single second seemed like a prolonged space of time, not as an idly moving series of moments.
For a few minutes he lay with his mind wandering and his hand still moving idly.
All they could do was watch the Count as he leaned negligently against the wall, his eyes moving idly, unseeingly around the room.
The readers still moved idly to and fro, or stood gazing at the shelves.
His hand, moving almost idly, stroked the gray hair of the woman in his arms.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw that one of the women in the room was idly moving her fingers.
Her gaze moved idly past the car, then jerked back.
But the walk came first, Grant decided as he moved idly to the window.