The courts are not anxious to move in the case of a missing person, even in this type of situation.
As at any high school, students and teachers move to the rhythm of the class bell - six days a week in the case of Lawrenceville.
"We certainly are pleased with the court's determination to move quickly in the case," said Charles A. James, head of the Justice Department's antitrust division.
This is also true if lessons are moved to other instructors in the case of sickness.
The report criticized the Brooklyn District Attorney, Charles J. Hynes, saying he was moving too slowly in the case.
The actual celebration is sometimes moved for practical reasons, as in the case of an official birthday.
(It has agreed to move speedily in the case of "dead man's privilege" claimed by Vince Foster's lawyer.)
The zoning board's lawyer, Joel Sachs, said the town would most likely wait for the Winstons' response before moving forward in the case.
What about the government's need to move forward in the civil case?
Milbury's legal team announced this afternoon that a clerk magistrate at Brookline District Court has ruled there is not enough evidence to move ahead in the case.