Spirit climbed back to join me, moving lithely.
She did, moving lithely - but the process still entailed a certain amount of contortion and physical abrasion.
She was a tall woman, and now moved lithely about the ship.
He moved lithely, without haste, and threw the door wide open.
Though the female mane that rippled down her back was grizzled, she moved lithely.
The giant cat swung her great head toward Taran and moved lithely across the ground.
I leapt forward at the same instant that the Fool, without so much as a glance back, moved lithely to one side.
She moved lithely out of danger and spat at Muredarch.
She moved toward him lithely, soundlessly in her bare feet, and her face was full of wonder.
He moved lithely, carrying her with no more effort than if she'd been a baby.