The energy from moving masses of water - a popular form of hydroelectric power generation.
Moving masses of super-heated air blow through the valley creating extremely high temperatures.
Weather also affects the Earth's rotation, by moving large masses of water around.
These were not movements; those he could have explained, since anything that moved large masses about altered the local gravity slightly.
Still, Hartsfield moves masses of people more efficiently than most.
At certain points the viewer is surrounded by loud music and dark, moving masses of bodies.
In all the room, no one's eyes stayed long away from the mesmeric quality of the slowly moving masses in the tank.
But while the call may have moved Muslim masses in some countries, it did not unite Islamic authorities.
A voice forever stilled, a power to move masses rendered impotent!
Once Blade looked through the sweat that poured down over his eyes and saw a series of moving gray masses far off toward the horizon.