In a few weeks they would have been moving their herds and flocks into the uplands, even without this threat.
The trail was used by the musteneros, to move their herds of mustangs.
By the last third of the century they were moving their herds into Arizona and establishing the range cattle industry there.
Pastoralists live a nomadic life, moving their herds from one pasture to another.
They live in the southeastern deserts of Kenya except during the rainy season when they move their herds inland.
In the summer they move their herds out of the marshes to the river banks.
In the dry season, the people move their herds to southern villages with a more temporary character.
Pastoralists move their herds from one area to another in search of grazing, usually staying close to a river or permanent wetland.
Sometimes pastoralists move their herds across international borders in search of new grazing or for trade.
Eventually, cattlemen began moving their herds into the area, which only added tension to an already uneasy situation.