He moved his parents from the village to a larger town, for extra security.
This time he hears that Kema is planning to move Tene and her parents to Firestone.
His death deeply depressed Minnie, and moved her parents' to send her to the Howland Institute.
Sitting in the dark with his fists clenched, he tried to move his parents with sheer will power.
Residents of the low-lying areas were evacuated more than two weeks ago as a precaution, said Cindy Hedges who moved her parents out then.
Eventually, Minaya moved his parents to a house in the Dominican Republic with his modest bonus from a brief minor league career.
The trio moved their parents and sister to New York, and soon older sister Edith and her husband followed to be near them.
Had he been drafted elsewhere, he said, he would have moved his parents with him.
Did you hear, we've had to move Justin's parents from their home so they might grieve in peace?
After moving to Beverly Hills his parents split up when Kiefer was only four years old.