Daffy lay stretched out at their feet, his little striped flanks moving peacefully up and down.
In fact, five minutes later, we were moving peacefully forward through the ocean's depths.
The armada moved peacefully over the wastes of the sea, through quiet days and nights.
Today, may the Haitian people end exiles and coup d'états, while peacefully moving from social exclusion to inclusion.
People were told that famine relief would be provided only to those who moved peacefully.
The reign of King Steam was moving peacefully to its close.
The separate herds moved peacefully beside the river.
The majority of protesters moved away from the scene peacefully, but around 50 people refused to leave claiming they were holding a Halloween picnic.
Since then, these countries have gone through a huge process of change, moving peacefully from dictatorship to stable, participatory democracy.
The vendors, who moved peacefully, now have Health Department licenses that are good only for their new market.