The Metropolitan's famous stage machinery moved scenes up and down in spectacular fashion, to great applause from elevator connoisseurs.
(Don't scoff - it's tough to play moving scenes with a dumb and soppy creature, but Wellard rose to the occasion.)
The 1/3 - 1/400 sec shutter speed of this Fujifilm camera lets you capture moving scenes with great clarity and detail.
Although arguing goes against the tenets of improv, good Harold players can work it into scenes to heighten tension, create humor and even move scenes forward.
The electronic representation of a sequence of images, depicting either stationary or moving scenes.
With a response time of 5ms, you can be sure that your monitor will perform perfectly, even in the fastest moving scenes.
Of various sizes, various colors, some held static images and some had captured moving scenes.
During the first days in orbit, the asymmetry of vertical eye movements in response to moving visual scenes is inverted.
Darius stared at the more rapidly moving scenes, which were now sliding through at a blurring rate.
Berkhout continued the parks growth throughout the 1980s, adding mini golf, paddle boats and many additional story scenes, some including moving mechanical scenes.