She had moved to Washington Heights two years ago after visiting friends there and seeing how spacious their homes were.
Within weeks, they "moved" to Washington Heights.
As many other young performers have, she moved to Washington Heights; there she found a demand for dog walkers at $8 to $10 an hour.
By World War I, the Gehrig family had moved to Washington Heights.
He moved to Washington Heights in 1979 and began playing softball and coaching the Little League.
He moved to Washington Heights, Manhattan in 1982.
I'd like to think I'd be the first one to provide services to Martians if they decide to move to Washington Heights.
In the early 1900s, Irish immigrants moved to Washington Heights.
His family soon moved to Washington Heights in Upper Manhattan.
"We were very, very few," said Raul Velez, who moved to Washington Heights in 1984.