Weaver moved to a non-operational role in 2002.
In November 1981 he was moved upstairs to a role as general manager, working alongside Graham Williams.
In 2012, he was moved to a full assistant role with the departure of Brooks Lee.
Within Hamas, some leaders have reportedly argued that the group would be more effective if it moved from armed action to a role in the political process.
More recently he has moved to a second role, that of the peacemaker with Israel.
He also stated that with Grand Luxx, he had "kind of moved to a different role" and did more work on the production side.
Initially he played as a striker, before eventually moving back to a midfield role.
He then moved to a similar role with BBC News channel, again presenting sports.
Kumble left that position in January 2013, moving to a similar role with the Mumbai Indians.
He started his career mainly as a left midfielder, but eventually moved to a more defensive role.