Each back and forth movement of the balance wheel from and back to its center position corresponds to a drop of one tooth (called a beat).
This movement eastward may have corresponded to the spread of the Ohioan mound-building cultures that span the Adena and Hopewell cultural periods.
This movement corresponds with the increase in focus on the educational benefit of the museum to the visitor as opposed to the previously held belief that the visitor is a secondary concern to the objects.
The sacroiliac joints like all spinal joints (except the atlanto-axial) are bicondylar joints, meaning that movement of one side corresponds to a correlative movement of the other side.
Such a lattice has three axes, and movements along them correspond to the three possible movements of the business end of a tie: to the left, to the right or to the center.
They put the mining robot through its paces on a dummy run, checking that each movement corresponded exactly to that pictured.
Palm mouse - held in the palm and operated with only two buttons; the movements across the screen correspond to a feather touch, and pressure increases the speed of movement.
The sky was a metaphor whose every movement corresponded, magically, to the course of human lives.
Its movements in time corresponded exactly with mine.
Its movement corresponds with a manufacturing process.