A movement seen from the Corner of his eye forced the warrior to dodge to the left.
The movement, offensive in nature, forced the wizard back to visibility.
The movement forced the second finger to shift, too.
The movement forced Jonathan Randall back a bit, so that he stepped away from the bed.
The people's movement forced the army to abandon its plans.
He must be cautious, and act now on the defensive until movements here force them to detach to send this way.
Honey turned her head, a quick movement like that of a child forced to look at a corpse, and nodded again.
This movement has forced local analysts to ask the question, "Does it make sense to keep talking about national rock?"
It remained in operation until 1912 when the movement toward consolidation forced the closure of many early school buildings.
Upward movement of either set of bogies would force the other down through the spring.