The movement of her eyes matched the rhythms of her speech.
But for children with autism, facial expressions, movements, and gestures rarely match what they are saying.
Batman feels agile, and his movements match the massive city around him.
Its movement matched his obeisance; and when it floated slowly away from him, he followed after it.
His lips moved, but the movements did not match the oddly accented Krantinese words.
The movement of his hand matched his mouth.
However, when applying the recommendations to another related working posture, the posture or the movement often does not match exactly.
Their movements matched the eerie music surging through his headphones.
The movements of the man's mouth didn't quite match what he was saying, so seeing him speak was a bit like watching a badly dubbed film.
These exercises are designed and selected so that the movement and actions closely match those seen in a specific sport.