The movement of ions across the membrane depends on a combination of two factors:
The movement of charged ions across a membrane is thus affected by the electrical forces (the attraction of positive to negative charges).
Data such as conductivity, mobility and diffusion relate to the movement of ions through as solution.
Ion channels allow for the selective movement of certain ions across the plasma membrane in cells.
The movement of ions through a membrane is controlled by the nature and number of charged molecules fixed in it.
This "battery" causes a movement of charged ions between the hole and the formation water where there is enough permeability in the rock.
This is due to the random movement of ions in the medium and electrons in the electrode.
When a membrane is at its equilibrium potential, there is no longer a net movement of ions.
The membrane serves as both an insulator and a diffusion barrier to the movement of ions.
Ion cyclotron resonance is a phenomenon related to the movement of ions in a magnetic field.