Founded in 1977, the movement promotes Jewish religious and cultural life through several community centers and synagogues.
As such, like naive art, the movement promotes ways independent to the culturally established ones.
Various social and political movements promoted Ayres as an example of the values held by their particular movement.
The movement also promoted applied arts, including needlework, as a practical opportunity for women to use artistic skills.
The critical thinking movement promotes critical thinking as an educational ideal.
These movements promoted scientific thinking, free thought, and allowed people to question previously unshaken religious dogmas.
The movement promoted single-issue politics but invariably delivered its machine vote to the Christian Democrats.
Still, they continued the egalitarian style of worship and literal biblical interpretation that the early movement had promoted.
This movement promotes a positive set of venues for democratic ideals by encouraging human equality.
These cases are part of a new stage in the civil rights movement, transforming how many companies hire, pay and promote.