Despite all the killing, an international movement was pushing the principle that government officials must be held accountable before the law.
An irredentist movement pushes for the creation of a Kurdish nation state.
The movement pushed me backwards enough to brush against Damian.
The movement of history pushed them in that direction.
So the battered-women's movement has been pushing the government to look at the reality of rape there, which is massive.
But on top of what he was already getting Blade knew any movement of his own might push him to climax and beyond.
She grabbed instinctively for something to brace herself, and the movement pushed her cover back.
A strong movement pushed to expand the entire mountain into a single resort, and construction started in the early 2000s (decade).
A popular social movement in the late 1800s pushed conservation of natural resources to the top of the national agenda.
A small but growing movement of people is pushing for that to change.