The movie cost about $17 million to make, just slightly below average these days.
(The movie cost only $750,000 and has made $28 million to date worldwide.)
In recent years with the increase of movie rental costs, theatres have become more and more creative about how they make money.
The movie cost about $80 million to make.
Mr. Nigrin said that it did not matter how much a movie cost to make.
The movie cost about $70 million to make and brought in $43.4 million at the domestic box office.
The movie cost only $9,000 to produce and was filmed entirely on a Canon 5D.
The movie cost US$12 million, making it the most expensive comedy film at the time.
"People would rather talk about how much your movie costs or this actor is taking drugs," he said, rather than about the film itself.
That movie cost about $65 million to produce and market; it grossed $28 million.