Avoiding both the maudlin and the gruesome, the movie parallels Stephen's increasing dependence on machines with Jamie's increasing reliance on the good will of his team and its willingness to circumvent traditional methods of scientific research.
The 2004 movie Blue Horizon (directed by surfing filmmaker Jack McCoy), paralleled his life on the WCT tour with that of free surfer, David Rastovich.
Structured around a 1973 Soviet propaganda cruise to the United States that Shostakovich participated in two years before his death, this movie parallels the ocean voyage with his personal journey from child prodigy to bitter tool of the Politburo.
But the movie, which evokes its characters' isolation with skillfully deployed split-screen techniques, unconsciously parallels the unreality of their love lives by attaching its technologically savvy concept to the hokiest of plots.
These movies often paralleled real-life events.
Like the student short, the movie parallels Mr. Cajayon's own life.
The skillfully plotted movie parallels Rita's having to choose between Erik and Steff with Bob's having had to decide between his wife and his Rita Hayworth lookalike decades ago.
The movie adroitly parallels Emerson's pursuit of Don with Kaya's impulsive affair with a working-class neighbor who attends one of the Thorsens' parties.
"In a way, the movie paralleled my own life," he said, averting his eyes.
It isn't only the UK Government's movie parallels that are off-beam, though.