Being a leading man on television does not necessarily translate into movie stardom.
Afterward, she allowed that her true calling might be movie stardom.
His career will last forever because he has a complete disdain for movie stardom and commercial success.
The main reason television stars don't reach movie stardom, many in the industry say, is simply poor choice of material.
The first rule of movie stardom is that fans never know the "real" star.
To play the role he had to be willing to strip away his movie stardom and put on someone else's skin.
It's a certain sign of movie stardom when an actor's early work is hauled off a shelf.
But in a city built on movie stardom and glamour, it is a badge of honor.
Clearly, Madonna's best (and probably last) shot at major movie stardom.
Beneath the humor, though, is a penetrating sense of what movie stardom means today.