The first movie, which came out in 1965, did quite well and turned star James Coburn into a leading man.
In the 70's, blaxploitation movies took white movie conventions and turned them on their head.
He had promised himself he would not let another movie turn the message of his work into something unrelated.
The movie was a sensation and turned Landis into a star.
But whatever happens, these two movies have already turned notoriety into the latest Hollywood growth industry.
At that point the movie turns to the perils of a mecha out in the big, bad world.
The movie turns into a treatise on an attempt to cope with a life that will never be the same.
AT moments of crisis, the movies have traditionally turned to their older brother for help.
When you're the most famous couple in the world, dinner and a movie can quickly turn into chaos.
The movie became a box office success and turned Irvine into an overnight film star.