In the most moving passage of the hour, the viewer watches a high school principal tenderly feed his wife, who has had Alzheimer's for 10 years.
Among the most moving passages here are those that describe the suicide of his mother, who, suffering from terminal ovarian cancer, gathered her husband and two sons around her and passed away in their presence.
Some of the most moving passages in the book revolve around Katsunobu Onogi, an ousted LTCB president who was torn between his fidelity to tradition and his knowledge that the bank's practices were unsustainable.
One of the most moving passages in that book describes the death of Leah Cohen's grandfather.
It seems like a progression from the most moving passages of The Tempest, such the final reconciliation quintet.
Ten thousand centuries from now, men will still be reading and cherishing Plato's immortal description of it-one of the most moving and beautiful passages in all literature.
When Ginsberg indulged in similar boosterism, it brought a response that provides one of the more moving passages in Sandison and Vickers's book: "I wrote for a month straight - what came out?
One of the most moving passages in the film records the death of an elderly man, not because of the war but from a vicious form of melanoma.
The basic story remains; the most moving passages are retained; the pessimism and determinism still come through.
"There is a much-flattened version which may be compressed within the narrow limits of a single day and night, but even that requires for certain of the more moving passages the accompaniment of a powerful drum or a hollow wooden fish."