Whether the World Bank has actually done much to alleviate poverty is a much-debated question.
Whether badgers merit greater legal protection is a much-debated question among producers in the south-west where damage to farms is known.
The much-debated question in New York - who is the Mets' best player?
As for the much-debated question of Jefferson's liaison with his slave Sally Hemings, Mr. Ellis is dubious.
Lauper probably wasn't trying to make a sociological statement in her head-bopping anthem, but her lyrics point to a much-debated question about gender differences.
How soon all the big new books will have a significant impact on sales remained a much-debated question.
The interpretive hypothesis concerns the much-debated question of the continuity or discontinuity between Rawls 1 (1950-80) and Rawls 2 (1980-2002).
For the auto industry, a much-debated question is about to be answered: Can a Rolls developed by Germans distill the spirit of traditional British opulence?
A much-debated question is that of the contribution Tielke himself made to the instruments signed with his name.