However, Hecuba's husband, King Priam, treats him as his own much-loved child.
Mr. Seinfeld turned away and said under his breath, as if teasing a silly and much-loved child, "What an idiot."
I will take her away from those that beat her, and raise her to be a happy and much-loved child.
She responded with an expression of gentle forbearance; like a mother watching two much-loved children engaged in a pointless squabble.
It is not just a question of life but of quality of life for a much-loved child.
And, as it often is for a father who must give a much-loved only child in marriage, this is a bittersweet time for Mr. Giacco.
However, the students adored the genetically-enhanced gorillas, whom they treated like retarded but much-loved children.
Cinderella is the much-loved only child of a widowed aristocrat.
"Oh, Pilgrim," he said under his breath, chiding his invisible enemy like a much-loved but errant child, "you almost had me fooled."
These days, most women have to work to make ends meet and that means time away from their much-loved children and men.