Though that law authorized the state to regulate ultimate fighting, it also conferred much-needed credibility on the competition, and several promoters quickly made plans to schedule matches in the state.
One reviewer remarked that the impressive vocal structure would give Bucks Fizz some much-needed credibility.
The fact this comparison was even being made gave the USFL much-needed credibility.
It was a key partnership for the fledgling series, giving them much-needed credibility and momentum.
Who knows, it might focus some minds and get some much-needed credibility for Standard and Poor.
He called Mr. Webster "a highly regarded professional who will bring much-needed credibility to the C.I.A." Giulani Mentioned for F.B.I.
He gained much-needed credibility from the editorial pages of The Arizona Republic and The Gazette and their publisher, Duke Tully.
An OAS observer has monitored the government's peace process with the paramilitaries, lending the negotiations much-needed international credibility.
The Greek police and intelligence services, with significant technical and advisory help from the Americans and the British, have earned some much-needed credibility after being purged in the aftermath of the junta.
Lawyers for other creditors said any outsiders were welcome and were necessary to give the company some much-needed credibility.