The "mud" contained a crystalline grit.
Unlike many other mine tailings, red mud does not contain very high levels of heavy metals, although still about seven times the levels in normal soil.
The muds contain appreciable quantities of loess and are overlain by further, coarser solifluction deposits.
Low solids mud - These muds contain less than 3-6% solids by volume and weight less than 9.5lbs/gal.
Its mud contains, water, biogenic gas, a certain amount of hydrocarbons and an important quantity of salt.
The sapropelic mud contains around 40% organic and 41% mineral substances.
The muds now contain mercury, PCB's, dioxins and lead that show up in fish and other local marine organisms.
To fulfill these tasks effectively, the mud contains carefully chosen additives to control its chemical and rheological properties.