At last we came upon soft mud covered with not more than two inches of water - not enough to float the boats.
Dong Yue himself is depicted as a seated 20-foot-tall king, fashioned from mud covered with gold leaf, following traditional techniques.
First, I coated myself with three types of mud (not even a three-minute fire alarm stressed me out, as I stood naked, covered in mud, debating what to do.
It was a nest with a foundation of mud covered with moss and lined with feathers.
The pool into which he had been staring a few seconds earlier had almost disappeared; in its place there was a crater of slimy black mud, covered with weed and green scum.
Yar crawled through the mud, so covered by it that if she saw anyone in the pale light of dawn she could surely "disappear" simply by holding still, another mound of mud on the river bank.
The ground seemed to be pure mud covered with four or five inches of water, and standing in it barefoot made me wonder how Su walked around like mat all the time.
The garden was humpy mud, covered with stubble and lolling grass-blades.
It looked like ancient, frozen mud covered with a pelt of fine frost fur.