For example, he said, sand that lies over ancient mud deposits moves differently than does sand lying over harder materials.
It is differentiated from the underlying Portezuelo Formation primarily by its higher content of argillites (mud deposits) and was deposited under fluvial conditions.
The shell of this species is white (sometimes darkened by mud deposits) and has a characteristic spiral sculpture.
Poking up from mud deposits 13 feet deep, one side of a second-story apartment, its front wall ripped out, remained almost intact.
Ancient mud deposits harden over geological time to form sedimentary rock such as shale or mudstone (generally called lutites).
Then it sticks and is washed downstream to settle as mud deposits in a quiet lake or sea.
For seven minutes, a 30-metre high explosion created a mud deposit, 5 metres thick and 200 metres large.
Breakdown piles, stream sediments, and mud deposits are also important to karst researchers.
The river was so named because its waters are colored red by mud deposits.
It lives in isolated mud deposits found under large rocks in the rapid flowing sections of stream and river shoals.