And in regions of India, fiery mulligatawny soup is eaten, however judiciously, when one has imbibed too much the night before.
Hydrogen, batteries, balloons, corned beef, and mulligatawny soup.
Then he recommended mulligatawny soup and a main course of tandoori murghi and pulao, with a side order of dal.
Ms. Luhrmann found Western magic to be a peppery mulligatawny soup of mysticism, shamanism, tarot, astrology, goddess worship, dream analysis and Renaissance hermeticism - the ultimate triumph of spiritual syncretism.
A steaming tureen of mulligatawny soup arrived, and they were soon spooning it out in the soft light of the candles.
Moss, if left alone, seems to live about as long as people do; then it goes back to mulligatawny soup again.
Had it for fourteen years in September, and you talk to me of mulligatawny soup.
A good way to start is with an assortment of pakoras, tasty fritters of vegetable, shrimp or chicken; mulligatawny soup, made of lentils, tomatoes and spices, or samosas, little vegetable-filled pastries.
A more reliable starter is the well-seasoned mulligatawny soup, rich with lentils and mixed vegetables.
Among starters are the mildly peppery mulligatawny soup; papri chat, puffed crackers served with cubed potatoes in an invigorating tamarind-yogurt sauce, and tasty little potato-bound vegetable patties called samosas.