In Britain today our multi-cultural society must be taken into account by anyone establishing texts for a national curriculum.
The party stands skeptical with regard to a multi-cultural society.
"We're a multi-cultural society whether you like it or not!"
The reason for this is because the lines between multi-cultural and multi-racial societies have been blurred since then.
It stated that the "vision of a multi-cultural society in Austria should be brought to an end".
You know, we're a multi-cultural, multi-religious society and we have to work together to create a good society.
If the state of affairs in Bosnia reflects the nature of a multi-cultural society, this policy is open to question.
The Dutch society in the present can be seen as a very multi-cultural society.
The Netherlands has adopted such a policy over the past couple of years, aimed at bringing about a multi-cultural society.
In this way it was hoped that a multi-cultural society would form.