The original urban renewal plans were not realized, which would have leveled much of the area to create a multi-lane highway.
MD 246 was expanded to a multi-lane highway in the 1990s.
The highway was widened into a multi-lane highway starting in 1936.
The result was a multi-lane highway with traffic lights at several major intersection.
It then shifts towards the northwest, continuing as a multi-lane divided highway.
The road was widened into a multi-lane highway and extended to I-95 by 1970.
A multi-lane highway will carry a maximum of about 2,400 vehicles per hour on each 12-foot-wide lane, or one every 1.5 seconds, engineers say.
State Route 188 has been widened to a multi-lane highway along part of its length.
It was one of the first multi-lane highway (4-lanes, two in each direction) constructed in the area.
Randall Road is a major multi-lane highway serving the village's western side.