This theory does not address the sovereignty of states directly, but instead simply says that a multi-level structure is being created by subnational and supranational actors.
The multi-level structure was designed by Gilmore David Clarke.
This multi-level structure is responsible for the high flexibility of the outer skin, which enables the velvet worm to squeeze itself into the narrowest crevices.
It must be hidden by the multi-level structure of the temple she decided.
He consolidated and simplified the complicated multi-level corporate structure, which was a half arbitrary result of many historical and fiscal reasons.
A drill tower is a multi-level structure simulating high-rise buildings.
The line of sight is always parallel to the floor, walls must be perpendicular to the floors, and multi-level structures are not possible.
A multi-level structure of higher education has been introduced at the University.
The shops and apartments were built in a multi-level structure, and it is still possible to visit several of the levels.
The building currently includes a multi-level structure for departures and arrivals and includes 32 gates, labelled B1- B32.