It has 25 members, elected for a four-year term by proportional representation in two multi-seat constituencies.
The 9th Parliament consists in 44 representatives, elected from 23 single-seat or multi-seat constituencies.
Parliament has 18 members, elected for a three year term in multi-seat constituencies.
Out of that number, 140 are elected in ten multi-seat territorial constituencies.
It has 180 members, elected for five-year terms in 49 single and multi-seat constituencies.
Deputies are elected to serve five-year terms by proportional representation in four multi-seat constituencies.
The multi-seat constituencies were discontinued since the third general elections in 1962.
The powerful lower house of Parliament currently has 512 seats in multi-seat constituencies.
Parliament or Parlement has 52 members, elected for a four-year term in multi-seat constituencies.
Of these, 64 are elected in 14 multi-seat constituencies, corresponding to the country's 14 departments, which return between 3 and 16 deputies each.